The Recorder
I have had the amazing opportunity to write articles for the Calvert Recorder. While at my placement, I first did a shadow and asked a million questions. My assistant editor at the time, was able to let me write articles for her community section. Last year, I published a piece on a former mentorship kid at my school. It was a great experience into the interviewing process.Since then I have done articles on Huntingtown high school events, a Calvert County program and a physical therapist. Currently, I am working on an article for the Barstow Acres Children's Center in Prince Frederick. I have learned all about the interview process, how to be professional in the work world and how to capture someone’s “voice” in a piece.
I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in this mentorship. The experiences I have had will definitely shape my journey into journalism. I will be a step ahead other kids in college and will be more prepared for my future career. This mentorship has taught me that I love writing and love telling other people’s stories. My editors were flexible to every idea I had and were more than happy to help me in anyway I needed. I am beyond grateful for having this opportunity.