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Dr. Beck/Physical Training


Last Summer I had the honor to work Dr. Bruce Beck. Beck is a retired doctor, who became a personal trainer four years ago. He is a specialist with training senior citizens. He would have individuals workout for him, and he would also have classes consisting of close to a dozen people doing exercises. The workouts Bruce made were not as challenging because they were seniors. Beck acknowledges they need to work hard, but not past their abilities. Beck was very good at adjusting to his elders. He has some patients in their fifties, but also has a patient who is 95 years old. He shows good care to all his patients. He is willing to give the patients the rest their bodies need. I learned new exercises under Beck. I learned that TRX equipment was used first in the military. As an athlete, he showed me different exercises using different muscles. I learned that the patients need more rest for their workouts. I was interactive with the patients at times as well. Dr. Beck wanted me to always hold a station down so the equipment wouldn’t be occupied by other people. There was a time limit for every patient’s workout. I learned that Beck would organize the payments in his binder. I learned that Beck keeps track of who comes every day in his binder as well. The experience helped me learn about fitness, building relationships and professionalism.

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