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Emma Dodsworth

On January 21st, I went to the American Chestnut Land Trust science committee meeting. I worked closely with Autumn Phillips-Lewis, land manager of ACLT, Denise Breitburg, scientist from the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, and Walter Boynton, an ecosystem ecologist from the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Chesapeake Biological Laboratory. These people are vital in making the science committee run and working to protect the land around the Chesapeake Bay.

At first, they had no idea what kind of job they would have me doing. Once I struck up some conversations, I got talking with Denise and Walter and they both found a need for baseline information from the main streams that feed into the main stem of Parker’s Creek. Maryland Biological Stream Surveys show the health of the ecosystem through different test and invertebrate counts. This survey showed that the health of streams near Prince Frederick was very poor. Using the data that was collected we can make predictions as to the cause of the poor health of stream ecosystems.

To begin with, my job was to select the main streams and identify points to test that would give us a well rounded set of data for the overall ecosystem. After many conversations with qualified scientists, I wrote out the protocol for the sampling, which will now be used every year to identify the yearly average. I selected the six major feeder streams and picked 3 points along each to sample from. Using GIS mapping systems, I was able to create maps and plot the points on a map. With the help of Autumn, I was able to get a good group of volunteers willing to hike out to each of the points and collect water samples. Walter and I taught everyone how to filter the samples. After every group came back and filtered their samples, the vials were placed in the freezer until the following week. I picked up the vials and delivered them to Analytical Services at CBL where they test samples for groups like ACLT, as well as the Maryland DNR. While at Analytical Services, I was given a tour of the lab and was able to see the equipment they use on a daily basis. The chemists showed me how they test most of the samples they receive and how the machine works.

Overall, this experience has been incredibly enlightening. I have met so many wonderful people, learned many new things, and have created a lot of great connections.

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